With a wide range of interests in discrete mathematics, two themes can be found in my work:
(1) Combinatorics of partially ordered sets, including questions of dimension and extremal problems for forbidden posets.
(2) Discrete mathematical biology, including computational complexity questions for discrete models of genome rearrangement and bacterial typing.



10. F. Barrera-Cruz, S. Felsner, T. Mészáros, P. Micek, H. Smith, L. Taylor, and W. T. Trotter. "Separating Tree-Chromatic Number from Path-Chromatic Number,'' Accepted subject to minor revisions (2018+).
9. R. Anderson, S. Bai, F. Barrera-Cruz, É. Czabarka, G. Da Lozzo, N. L. F. Hobson, J. C.-H. Lin, A. Mohr, H. C. Smith, L. Székely, and H. Whitlatch. "Analogies between the crossing number and the tangle crossing number," Accepted subject to minor revisions (2018+).
8. B. Bjorkman, G. Cochran, W. Gao, L. Keough, R. Kirsch, M. Phillipson, D. Rorabaugh, H. Smith, and J. Wise. "k-foldability of words," Accepted subject to minor revisions (2018+).
7. I. Miklós and H. Smith. " The computational complexity of calculating partition functions of optimal medians with Hamming distance" To appear (2018).
6. H. Smith, L. A. Székely, H. Wang, and S. Yuan. "On different 'middle parts' of a tree," Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 25.3 (2018).

5. M. Ferrara, W. Kay, L. Kramer, R. Martin, B. Reiniger, H. Smith, and E. Sullivan. “The saturation number of induced subposets of the Boolean lattice.” Discrete Mathematics 340.10 (2017): 2479-2487.
4. H. Smith, L. A. Székely, and H. Wang. "Eccentricity Sums in Trees," Discrete Applied Mathematics 207 (2016): 120-131.
3. I. Miklós and H. Smith. " Sampling and counting genomes rearrangement scenarios." BMC Bioinformatics, 16(Suppl 14):S6 (2015).
2. H. Smith and L. A. Székely "Some Remarks on Baranyai's Theorem," Congressus Numerantium 222 (2014): 43-55.
1. R. Hammack and H. Smith. "Zero Divisors among Digraphs," Graphs and Combinatorics 30.1, (2014): 171-181. (Published on-line DOI:10.1007/s00373-012-1248-x, 2012)


4. J. Kim, R. R. Martin, T. Masařík, W. Shull, H. Smith, A. Uzzell, and Z. Wang. "Local dimension and size," Submitted.
3. M. Ferrara, D. Johnston, S. Loeb, F. Pfender, A. Schulte, H. Smith, E. Sullivan, M. Tait, C. Tompkins. "On edge-colored saturation problems," Submitted.
2. F. Barrera-Cruz, T. Prag, H. Smith, L. Taylor, and W. T. Trotter. "Comparing Dushnik-Miller dimension, Boolean dimension, and local dimension,'' Submitted.
1. F. Barrera-Cruz, R. Garcia, P. Harris, B. Kubik, H. Smith, S. Talbott, L. Taylor, and W. T. Trotter. "The graph of critical pairs of a crown,'' Submitted.

In preparation

1. H. F. Espitia, A. T. Chande, H. Smith, I. K. Jordan, and L. Rishishwar. "STing: ultrafast sequence typing with in silico aptamers," In preparation.